• Hailes Street, Winchcombe

    Hailes Street, Winchcombe

  • St Peters' Church, Winchcombe

    St Peters' Church, Winchcombe

  • The George, Winchcombe

    The George, Winchcombe

  • St Peters from Rushley Lane

    St Peters from Rushley Lane

  • St Peters from Langley Hill

    St Peters from Langley Hill

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Welcome to the website of

The Probus Club of Winchcombe

About Probus

Probus clubs provide an opportunity for retired or semi-retired people to meet and socialise. There are Probus groups all over the world, though the largest numbers are in the UK, Canada and Australia. There is no governing body for the Probus movement, and although most clubs follow a similar pattern, each local club decides its own format and rules. Many are linked to local Rotary Clubs.

About us

The Probus Club of Winchcombe is a relaxed and friendly group, with about 80 members. Every second Friday morning we have a meeting at which we hear a talk by an invited speaker.  In normal times, we socialise over coffee before the talk, and our thirstier members regroup afterwards in a local pub.  Since the Covid pandemic, our meetings have also been accessible online via Zoom which suits those people who are unable to attend in person, either because they are ill or because they are away but don’t want to miss the meeting. Besides our regular meetings, we organise occasional group lunches, outings to places of interest and other events. We have a walking group that meets monthly, and there are other activities arranged from time to time.  Our members come from all sorts of trades and professions and we are keen to build our membership.  Our annual subscription is currently only £35 per year.   However, no one is asked to pay a subscription until they have had a chance to come to give us a try. If you would like know more about the Club, or enquire about joining, send an email to Tony Mason (Secretary)      abmason13@btinternet.com. If you follow this link, you will find a copy of an advertisement which was placed in the December 2022/January 2023 edition of the Parish Magazine.

About Winchcombe

To learn more about Winchcombe and what it has to offer, go to www.winchcombe.co.uk