Room Stewards
1. Room Stewards Rota
Click here to see or download the Rota
2. Stewards
Room Steward
Geoff Cove: 609115/ 07949 140305
Michael Dufton: 603387/ 07425 132649.
Brian Parry: 602618/ 07484 664587,
John Smith: 602038/ 07979 842619.
David Wadsworth: 602635/ 07772 444778.
Welcoming Steward
Roy Loudon 604161/ 07850 350247/
3. Room Stewards’ Responsibilities
Outside the meetings:-
1. Receive the Steward’s Key for the Methodist Centre from previous meeting Room Steward.
2. Liaise with Programme Secretary and take account of any specific needs for the room setup for each meeting.
During meetings:-
1. Arrive at 9.30 am. Entrance at Left side (as you face Church from road) door.
2. Check heating is on (control in lobby by stairs door). If OFF, press ‘Advance’.
3. Unlock main door and gate in alleyway (key on notice board by Kitchen).
4. Set up the room in accordance with Programme Secretary instructions.
5. Be ready to introduce the Visiting Speaker to the Chairman when s/he arrives.
6. Liaise with the Equipment Secretary for microphone, projector required by the meeting.
7. Provide backup support to the Welcoming Steward on the front desk with the Vice Chairman.
At end.
1. Check that amplifier switch is off (behind coat stand).
2. Lock side gate and entrance door, return keys to hook by kitchen.
3. Check all lights off.
4. Lock up the Entrance at top of stairs.
5. Give Steward’s key to next on the Rota.