1 Home Gallery (Login/Noticeboard. Redundant?)
2 Home About (About Winchcombe. Redundant?)
7 Home Grid Footer (Old footer links. Redundant? )
32 Notices (Notices appearing on Notices page central column) AND Writeups in Sidebar B???
33 Administration (brings up Rogues Gallery)
34 Committee (Text box: “Interested in joining?”)
May’s walk in Spoonley Wood
The photo of the 12 “Intrepid Walkers” who joined this adventure can be found here
Draft Minutes of Committee Meeting held 12 Feb 2024
PRESENT: Richard Sharp (Chairman), Stewart Aylward, Mel Blomley, Rex Butler, Paul Clark, Michael Dufton, John Gerrard, Mike Hill, Tony Mason (Secretary) Stuart Tweedie.
APOLOGIES: Jon Burchfield
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Held on 16th October 2023 were approved and signed.
MATTERS ARISING: Committee Member’s Duties – the document will be updated following the AGM and SA will upload to the website.
CHAIRMAN Richard said that this early in the year he had nothing to report.
TREASURER Stuart reported 51 members had paid subscriptions with 13 outstanding, 1 member had resigned citing health issues. (Subsequent to the meeting another member said he would not be renewing for the same reason.). A small surplus accrued from the Annual lunch.
PROGRAMME SECRETARY Mel reported that the programme is complete up to and including the 5th July meeting and the website has been updated. This includes profiles from 2 members. Mel will remind members who are listed to give VOTs.
EVENTS SECRETARY Unfortunately Mike was not able to organise the skittles and pizza evening in December. Plans for 2024 include trips: behind the scenes at Cheltenham Racecourse 11 April; Cotswold/Kemble airfield 19 June; Lord Lyesters Hospital in Warwick 28 August. The first two are limited to 20 people so sign up will be either/or initially.
Also plan to make more use of u3a outings.
EQUIPMENT STEWARD Nothing to report.
WELCOMING STEWARD Nothing to report.
ROOM STEWARD John thanked Paul Clark for his efforts with the solar panels and getting cash for missed generation. There is no date yet for the closure of the Police Office. WACH are apparently not going to be in competition with AFCC as they will not be doing hourly rentals.
WELFARE OFFICER Richard said it was good to see Chris Haslewood getting to meetings. The vacancy for a Welfare Officer was discussed and, as an interim solution, it was suggested this could be covered by the Vice Chairman with support from Immediate Past Chairman. Richard will speak to Jon.
WALK’S CO-ORDINATOR Paul said there had been one walk so far this year led by Michael Leek on Cleeve Common. The next one will be 21st Feb from the Plough at Ford led by Michael Dufton. Details on the website.
SECRETARY Nothing to report.
COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Stewart said the new web host was working well and is cheaper than the old one. There have not been any members on Zoom at recent meetings and Stewart will send an email to remind members of the link.
2. CLUB GOOGLE DRIVE ACCESS Club documents can be stored in folders in the cloud with access limited to particular committee members. This has already been done for the accounts as a safeguard against accidents. Agreed that 2 committee members should have oversight of the Drive, primarily the Communications Officer and the Secretary as backup. Stewart to ask committee members what documents they hold that should be stored this way.
3. ANNUAL LUNCH 2024 FEEDBACK It was felt that the arrangements in general worked well although having a long table for 10 was not good. Food service could have been quicker and the food warmer. 50 members and guests, including two recent widows, attended. Did including wine in the ticket price, for example, put people off?
Discussion re 2025 Lunch – date in January and possible venues in Winchcombe Including Wesley/White Hart, AFCC and Toddington. Noted that it was difficult finding an available date for Toddington this time which resulted in having the lunch on a Monday.
- REVIEW OF CLUB COVID POLICYIn view of current Government advice on Covid, it was agreed that the policy should be rescinded with immediate effect. Richard to send note to members.
- Richard and Mel to find a meeting date for a membership drive.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 1st July 2024 10.30 at Abbeyfield Community Centre meeting room
Approved and adopted as a true record.
Chairman Date
News from Paul, our walks coordinator…
9 members have agreed to lead walks over the coming months. These will happen on the third Wednesday of each month. The dates and leaders have been published in the programme section of the website. Full details of each walk will be added nearer the time of the walk.
Minutes of Committee meeting 16 October 2023
PRESENT: Michael Dufton (Chairman), Stewart Aylward (via Zoom), Jon Burchfield, John Gerrard, Mike Hill, Michael Leek, Tony Mason (Secretary), Richard Sharp, John Williams.
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Held on 3rd July 2023 were approved and signed.
MATTERS ARISING: Welfare Officer report – JW to send 1st Aider rota for meetings to SA to publish on the website.
Committee Member’s Duties – the document was reviewed and various amendments made. Noted that the club only has one key to AFCC (held by Chairman) although members who are trustees of AFCC also have keys. MD to update the document and with SA, upload to the website.
CHAIRMAN Michael said that overall the club is going well – AFCC, speakers, events.
VICE CHAIRMAN Richard happy standing in as Chair during the summer.
TREASURER Michael presented forecast accounts to the end of 2023 and for 2024. The forecast for 2023 had a year end deficit of £275 due to equipment purchases. Forecast for 2024 is about breakeven. Discussion re subscription for 2024 and recommendation is a small increase to £36.
PROGRAMME SECRETARY Richard has been posting the programme for meetings on the website quarterly. The letter to speakers states our policy of broadcasting meetings to members on Zoom and also of recordings being made for the benefit of members not able attend or watch in real time. Programme Secretary to email thanks after the event.
EVENTS SECRETARY 13 going on the trip to Owlpen Manor on Wednesday. Skittles and pizza evening will be organised in December. Plans for 2024 include: trips to Cotswold/Kemble airfield; Lord Lyesters Hospital in Warwick; Cheltenham Racecourse. Also plan to make more use of u3a outings.
EQUIPMENT STEWARD Everything working reasonably well. New & improved quality connection cables supplied by JG.
We still own the two microphones we used at the Methodist Church during our meetings there. One is a Lapel type which can be a reserve at Abbeyfields.
The other is a Sennheiser stand mic on a long lead which will NOT work at Abbeyfield. Perhaps the Committee could present it to the new Arts centre.
We also own an older set of radio baton-type mics, not used for many years.
The information on the Website about equipment refers to the old Methodist Hall and needs to be removed.
Q. Do we know purchase cost of equipment and an estimate of current value.
WELCOMING STEWARD Jon provided attendance figures for the year to date (19 meetings) which show average attendance 39, ranging from 48 to 33. Records for Zoomers are incomplete but a total of 20 members attended 9 meetings.
ROOM STEWARD John reported that an HDMI lead had gone missing/been stolen. It was suggested that the long cable used for the Zoom link is kept in the computer bag.
WELFARE OFFICER John said there was a good turnout for David Farrar’s funeral. Chris Haslewood had a fall in the summer and is now fairly immobile. At the meeting last Friday, Paul Clark asked for members willing to go on a rota to collect Chris and take him home.
John continues to send cards and contact members who are unwell.
John announced that he will be standing down at the AGM.
WALK’S CO-ORDINATOR John said that the number attending walks had declined to about 6 including some of his fellow bellringers. He will be standing down at the AGM.
SECRETARY Nothing to report.
WEBMASTER / COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Stewart attended the meeting remotely.
Group email facility seems to be working well. There are only 2 members not on email – Geoff Agg and Trevor Upton. Geoff is largely housebound but John W sees him fairly often. Trevor is a friend and neighbour of John Rowe (Tony to ask John if he can appraise Trevor of emails etc).
Broadcasting of our meetings via zoom now seems to be progressing without any hitches; the sound and the video is excellent. Following the suggestion made at the last meeting, I have now posted a link at the top of the Notices section of our website which will give members live access to each meeting. On the rare occasion where speakers indicate that they do not wish their talk to be broadcast, up until now, this has resulted in no recording being kept of any part of the meeting. Decided: meetings will be recorded and, when the speaker does not want to be recorded, the recording will be turned off. Speakers are notified by letter of recording/broadcasting but not all read it.
In the past, we have stored recordings of meetings on Google Drive however the interface between our website and Google Drive didn’t work very well. I have resolved this by introducing the use of a platform known as “pCloud Drive” and we have 6GB of storage available of which we are currently using just under 1GB. We would have to pay for storage beyond 6GB but as each recording takes up less than 200MB, we have plenty of time to make sure it continues to work before we have to pay.
Andrew Cordery has continued to be our main man for zooming meetings up until now. However, he has indicated that whilst he is willing to continue as a reserve, he would prefer to relinquish his position as main anchorman. Stewart will organise a rota for himself, Michael L and Tony with Andrew as reserve.
Andrew Cordery has suggested that when we get a new member, this should be recorded as a post which should include a mugshot so that members are able to identify new members more easily when they see them about Winchcombe and at meetings. If this is to proceed, we need to ensure that we have a mugshot as soon as the person has been voted in. Agreed that the individual’s sponsor/introducer should take a mugshot and send it to Stewart.
We have a new host for our website; Krystal Hosting. They are UK based and considerably cheaper. We were paying Siteground £176 per annum whereas we are now paying Krystal £84. We have also taken the opportunity to move the hosting of our domain to Krystal which means everything is now under 1 roof. I am pleased to report that contrary to what I expected at the last meeting, we were able to make the change of host so that we did not have to purchase a further single month from Siteground.
2. REVIEW OF COVID POLICY ML noted that there is no cover in the Club Insurance policy for Covid. The onus for avoiding the spread of Covid is on the individual. Michael D to update the Club guidelines.
3. CLUB INSURANCE POLICY RENEWAL Michael L had reviewed the cover provided by the policy which is essentially public liability. There are a few other things covered such as Club property and regalia, and money which do not really apply. Policy to be renewed.
4. ANNUAL LUNCH 2023 (to be held in Jan 2024) Dumbleton Hall is closing in December and may not reopen until March. Toddington Village Hall has been booked for Monday Jan 29. Catering will be by Fantastically Fresh – £25 for 3 course meal. Welcome glass of wine or soft drink on arrival. MD, RS and JB to organise details.
5. OFFICERS FOR 2024 There are vacancies for: Vice Chairman; Programme Secretary; Welfare Officer; and Walks Co-ordinator. Several names were suggested and Richard will approach people.
6. CORRESPONDENCE Winchcombe Film Society (Margaret Reid) have asked if we can leave the chairs out when we both meet on the same day, provided there is no meeting in between. JG to check the bookings on the day.
St Peters Church sent a survey about using the church as our meeting space, asking about adequacy of our existing meeting venue, and would we consider moving to WACH when it opens. St Peters would not really be suitable for Probus.
7. HONORARY MEMBER NOMINATIONS There are no eligible nominees for the AGM in 2024 but, at the present time, there are two in 2025 and three in 2026.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 12th February 2024 10.00 at Abbeyfield Community Centre committee room
Approved and adopted as a true record.
Chairman R Sharp Date 12 Feb 2024
Minutes of committee meeting held 3 July 2023
PRESENT: Michael Dufton Chairman), Stewart Aylward, Jon Burchfield, John Gerrard, Michael Leek, Tony Mason (Secretary), Richard Sharp, John Williams.
APOLOGIES: Rex Butler, Mike Hill
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Held on 6th February 2023 were approved and signed.
MATTERS ARISING: Item 2 Probus Covid Guidelines – Covid guidelines to be dropped and precautions to be personal choice / responsibility. Chairman to announce at next meeting.
Item 4 Mid-week break – this has been cancelled due to lack of support.
CHAIRMAN Michael said that everything seemed to be going well.
VICE CHAIRMAN Nothing to report.
TREASURER Michael presented accounts to date and noted that a small loss arose on the Sezincote trip but this was covered by a surplus on the Space Centre visit. 60 members have paid subscriptions this year but we have had no new members join so far this year despite a number of guests coming to meetings. Jon Burchfield offered to follow up with the members who invited guests.
PROGRAMME SECRETARY Richard has booked speakers to the end of 2023. The speaker on Friday (7th July) has contacted Richard recently to say that he doesn’t want the talk recorded or transmitted on Zoom. (He presumably has only just read the standard letter on this that is sent by Richard to all speakers.)
Richard has found the existence of a Probus Speakers Register with around 400 names and 2000 talks. There is a nominal subscription around £20 for access to this.
Programme Secretary to email thanks after the event.
Michael D asked all committee members to review and update their duties on the website.
EVENTS SECRETARY Written report from Mike covering participation in 4 events since the last committee meeting. Lack of support for Treasure Hunt so cancelled. Next trip is Owlpen Manor in October and he is planning another skittles evening in WCWMC in December. Sign-up sheets for forthcoming events are on website.
Plans for 2024 include Lord Leycester’s Hospital in Warwick, Kemble Airport including lunch in last BA747. All suggestions welcome.
WELCOMING STEWARD Jon provided attendance figures for the last 4 months: number of members present in person ranged from 38 to 48 (ave 41) with 4 guests at the first meeting in Feb but this was unusual. Records for number attending on Zoom are incomplete.
ROOM STEWARD Nothing to report.
WELFARE OFFICER John to refresh the 1st aider rota on the website and to organise a first-aid refresher with St Johns Ambulance.
WALK’S CO-ORDINATOR Next walk is 12th July Eckington to Strensham Lock.
SECRETARY Nothing to report.
WEBMASTER / COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Stewart said the Youtube Proposal raised at last meeting is not appropriate due to confidentiality issues.
Group email facility seems to be working well. Only committee members plus Andrew can post
using the group mail facility; recommend that when committee members post to the group email, they should send a blind copy of the email to themselves. If you want to check it’s gone, log into the group email by visiting https://groups.google.com/my-groups and if their email has been posted properly, they will find it listed in ‘Conversations’.
Make sure when using the group email address that you are sending it from the email address
which is registered in the group.
We have been successful in providing excellent sound and video quality for the zoom broadcasts
of meetings. £230 was the agreed budget for upgrading the webcam. We ended up spending £235 in total which included not only the webcam but an additional specialist USB cable, a webcam tripod and a laptop which a good friend of mine let me have for free as he no longer used it; all I needed to do was buy a new battery for £37. Andrew is happy to continue taking ongoing responsibility for operating zoom at the meetings and I am backup. On 15th September, both Andrew and I are unavailable. Michael and Tony have both offered to be backups for Andrew and me but only Tony is available on 15th.
Our annual payment to our website host, Siteground, is due within the next couple of weeks and with VAT, this will cost £176. I have been researching alternative hosts as Siteground whilst being very good is expensive and we are not using all the facilities for which we are paying such as dedicated email addresses. During the course of my investigation, it has come to light that the PHP coding that we are using is out of date but we cannot update it unless we replace the theme which we are using. I had initially thought that I had found a good alternative host but as we have an out of date theme, they will add an extra monthly charge so I am seeking an alternative provider. Hosts typically offer a concessionary rate for the first 3 years as long as an upfront payment for the 3 years is made but the most important aspects in the selection of a website host is to my mind:
The underlying headline monthly rate
The backup facilities which the host provides
The availability of professional help from the host should we need help in upgrading our site
If I need more time to find the right host, I would like approval to renew Siteground for one month at £20.38 (incl VAT) so I can make sure we select the right host. If we stay with Siteground, I would then revert to the 12-month rate from 22nd August. Stewart and Michael L to meet and take forward.
The website seems to be getting pretty good use. I suggest that consideration should be given to providing the zoom link on the website in the programme section rather than sending this out by email. No decision made.
2. ANNUAL LUNCH 2023 Dumbleton Hall is closing in December and may not reopen until March. Options being considered include a function in November at Dumbleton Hall; the Corner Cupboard which could seat 45 comfortably with another 10 possible; using Silk Mill Cafe (Beckford) outside catering at Toddington Village Hall.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 16th October 2023 10.00 at Abbeyfield Community Centre committee room
Approved and adopted as a true record.
Chairman M Dufton. Date 16 October 2023
Minutes of Committee meeting 6th February 2023
PRESENT: Michael Dufton Chairman), Stewart Aylward, Rex Butler, Jon Burchfield, John Gerrard, Michael Leek, Tony Mason (Secretary), Richard Sharp, John Williams.
CO_OPTION: The position of Vice Chairman remained vacant at the end of the AGM and Richard Sharp was formally appointed to fill the vacancy.
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Held on 17th October 2022 were approved and signed.
MATTERS ARISING: Item 5 – proposal to have a Membership Secretary / Welcoming Steward and update of list of committee members duties. This was discussed and an updated schedule of committee duties agreed. This will be posted on the website. The Probus projector can be stored at AFCC. AFCC are producing a video on the use of the IT system.
Guests at meetings should be notified to the Welcoming Steward. Decided that a ‘welcome pack’ should be given to new members.
Item 8 – dress code. Clarification of ‘Smart Casual’ – noted that many organisations have very relaxed dress code including jeans. For our Club, jacket and tie are optional but no jeans. Noted that wearing a jacket makes it easy to use clip-on badge.
CHAIRMAN Nothing to add to above.
VICE CHAIRMAN Nothing to report.
TREASURER Michael presented accounts to date and noted that 18 members had paid subs. Contingency planning – the accounts are maintained electronically, not paper, and Michael has arranged for Stewart to have access. Tony will be added. Bank account signatories will be Michael as treasurer, Tony as Secretary, and current chairman and Vice Chairman – Michael and Richard.
PROGRAMME SECRETARY Richard has booked speakers to the end of April. Some difficulty sorting out VOTs and few members are willing to do talks. Discussion around length of VOTs and knowledge of member interests. Stewart to look into members posting information about themselves on the website.
EVENTS SECRETARY No report but Mike had prepared a calendar of meetings and events. Sign-up sheets for forthcoming events are on website.
EQUIPMENT STEWARD Nothing to report.
WELCOMING STEWARD Jon is away for the next three meetings. Room Steward to nominate substitute(s).
ROOM STEWARD John said the big screen at AFCC had developed a squeak and may need to be replaced. This will investigated by IAG who look after the IT when they come to replace two speakers (and put in the comms feed for our Zoom link).
WELFARE OFFICER John and Mel Blomley will attend Sue Brooks’s funeral. Michael D will attend John West’s funeral. There is some concern about the well-being of Brian Parry and Arthur Ruddock.
WALK’S CO-ORDINATOR Next walk is 8th February round Evesham.
SECRETARY Nothing to report.
WEBMASTER / COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Stewart has set up a group email for Probus members using Google Groups. Members can establish who are members of the group by searching for Google Groups and they can also see all the emails which have been sent using the group email facility. He suggested that members of the committee should add the group to their own personal address book so that when committee members wish to email the membership, they type whatever they have called the group in their own address book. Thus, they might decide to call it “Probus Membership”.
Stewart suggested having a YouTube channel for Probus instead of Zoom, accessed from our website, as we are getting close to storage capacity on our google account and it might also be easier for members to use. However, we would lose the immediate ability as to who has logged in to the specific meeting. He will do more investigation.
He also proposed purchasing a webcam for meetings to improve picture quality instead of using mobile phone or laptop. Webcam with zoom in/out facility would cost around £230 against around £70 for a simple camera. Q is the better camera affordable? Yes, agreed.
2. PROBUS COVID GUIDELINES A review of the guidelines last updated in July 2022 was agreed. The revised guidelines will be posted on the website.
3. ANNUAL LUNCH DECEMBER 2022 FEEDBACK The lunch at Dumbleton Hall went well but cost for 2024 may be an issue following the six-week refurbishment and possible upgrade of the facilities.
4. MID-WEEK BREAK 2023 John Williams said a coach was not an option as a 5 day booking would be required. He was therefore looking for a suitable hotel and walk within a 50 mile radius of Winchcombe and asked the committee for suggestions. He would check out the hotel and walk.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 3rd July 2023 10.30 at Applewood (venue to be confirmed)
Approved and adopted as a true record.
Chairman M Dufton Date 3/7/23
35 Programme (Programme items archive (in date order))
36 widgetkit id=”36″ name=”Rogues Gallery” (Full Rogues Gallery)
37 Homepage top slider ( Winchcombe photo slider on Home page)
38 widgetkit id=”38″ name=”Rogues Gallery” (Photo slider for Rogues Gallery box on Notices page)
39 Committee members (Names and photos of Committee members members)
40 Homepage text (About Probus/Probus Club of Winchcombe)
41 widgetkit id=”41″ name=”Members’ News & Comments” ( Titles of items on list in Sidebar B on Notices page) Same as 43
42 widgetkit id=”42″ name=”News & Comments intro” (Content of N&C page linked from Archives )
43 widgetkit id=”43″ name=”Members’ News and Comments” ( Titles of items on list in Sidebar B on Notices page) Same as 42
44 widgetkit id=”44″ name=”Notices” (Items appearing under “Notices”)